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Clean This, Skip That: Efficient Use of Cleaning Time


Your guests are set to arrive in 15 minutes! Food prep is complete and you're looking stylish - it's time to run around the house for that last-minute quick clean. Here is a list of which elements in your house should definitely be cleaned, and which items get the boot to "deprioritized" so think: clean, not tidy!

Do: Toilets and Some Sink

Clean the toilet inside and out! An often overlooked part of cleaning a toilet is the back hinges (behind the toilet seat) as well as dusting the top of the water tank. It could be just me and my obsessive ways, but this is something I tend to notice quickly in any bathroom. Most (normal) guests have no desire to inspect to bathtub for soap scum while they're hanging out, so don't worry about that - close the curtain and no one will long as you're well stocked on hand soap and no one seeks out the shampoo bottle.

On that note, do cleanup the sink as well with paper towels and ensure that any hairs are removed - especially beard trimmings and any "puddles" of handsoap dripped down the side of the bottle and any hardened soap-crust hanging on to the end of the soap pump. Don't worry about decluttering or organizing toiletries or hair products - the priority here is "clean," not organized.

Do: Sweep Floors

Guests who remove their shoes will not appreciate crunching on food or getting little pieces of crumbs stuck to their feet! Thorough mopping isn't required, but do also dry up any spills so that no one has to wonder what fluid just soaked their socks (gross!)

Do: Vacuum Crumbs and Hair off Furniture

The vast majority of people's furniture need not worry - this is really only for people with heavily shedding cats, or who eat a lot of chips on the couch. No one likes to put their hand down in a pile of crumbs sprinkled on the cushions - and cat/dog fur is often non-negotiable but at least we can leave some vacuum lines to demonstrate that we did make the effort of negotiating :)

Skip: Making Beds

Not only do most house guests never have a reason to enter the bedroom, but I've personally never cared whether someone's bed was made, and I've never heard of anyone prioritizing caring about this (and my guess is that you don't care if your friends make their beds either). I promise the mental note of "wow this person doesn't make their bed" lasts only minutes if it ever existed at all. Save time by skipping bed-making, or at most throw the comforter back over top for that loosely-tousled "effortless" look!

Skip: Laundry

Likewise, like bed-making, laundry is something that's usually contained to a bedroom and a closet. It's not something anyone cares that much about, and any unsultry smells can't be cleaned up right away anyway. Spray some air freshener and move on with your life! (But do sprinkle some baking soda on the carpets later, to freshen up the body odor scent when vacuuming next)

Skip: Dishes

Unless your dishes are moldy and smelly, let them be, especially if you just cooked today. This mess is part of what made today possible! Everyone has to dirty up dishes at all times - it says nothing about anyone that they exist in your sink.

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